The majority of the text is setting up the clues, therefore it will be repeated throughout all the different versions of the journal pages. Within the journal pages, there are riddles that reveal the island you are looking for. Kill the skeleton captain and the key will drop Known Island Locations for the Cursed Rogue Key.Find the skeleton captain sitting in a huddle.
Once at the island, a creepy skeleton lord will start to talk (dialogue will appear on your screen). Journal pages will provide clues to direct you to the island. There are multiple islands where the key could be hidden, lets jump right in. The journal pages provided offer up clues to help you find the right island. The Skeleton Key is kept safe in the hands of a Skeleton Captain. To match the order in which the riddles are provided, we will be discussing finding the key first. Both objects are hidden on separate islands and will be protected by skeleton captains. Whichever you prefer to get first is up to you. Madam Oliva provides journal pages to both of these objects at the start of the tall tale. Technically, these two (finding the chest and key) can be done in either order. Locate the Rogue’s Skeleton Key and Chest Once you acquire her skull, bring it back to Madame Olivia so she can perform a ritual to uncover Briggsy’s knowledge of the Shroudbreaker gems, thus ending the Tall Tale and rewarding you with progress, and 8,000 gold. Find and kill Captain Briggsy to retrieve her skull. This compass acts like Jack Sparrow’s compass, but instead of pointing you toward what you desire most, it leads you to Captain Briggsy. First, finding the chest (1) and key (2), these first steps unlock two items to bring back to Madam Olivia so she can make you a special compass. Castaway 2 blue snake quest wont appear full#
In summation, the full Cursed Rogue Tall Tale will consist of five activities. Madam Olivia will provide you with journal pages to both the location of a skeleton key, as well as a special rogue skeleton chest. Majority of your crew members will have to accept the quest for it to activate (get to the book and “vote”). The tall tale book will be to her immediate left, on a table with a melting candle.
Find Madame Olivia in the Order of Souls purple tent. Unlike the Shroudbreaker Tall Tale, The Cursed Rogue can only be activated at Plunder Outpost. Return Captain Briggsy’s Skull to Madam Olivia at Plunder Outpost Activate the Cursed Rogue Tall Tale.Find and Defeat Captain Briggsy to Retrieve her Skull.Return to Madam Olivia at Plunder Outpost to get the Enchanted Compass.Locate the Rogue’s Skeleton Key and Chest.