A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here. Seeker by their names, when alerted for a rematch using the item, may use higher-level Pokémon.Ī colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. When you meet Barry and Wake at the entrance to the Great Marsh you'll find that the Grunt sets off a small bomb in the Great Marsh as a field test, and you'll have to chase after him while Barry keeps people out of the Great Marsh until Wake can be sure it is safe. After this exchange Barry mentions a Galactic Grunt with a bomb near the Great Marsh's Observatory Gate. When Wake leaves the Gym, it turns out that Barry's earlier claim that he's Wake's apprentice isn't true - Wake won't take him on as he believes neither of you need any tutoring. A Pokémon with a good Electric move will do well here.Īfter defeating Wake, you'll receive the Fen Badge that lets you use Surf outside of battle, as well as TM55 ( Brine).Īfter earning the Fen Badge, you'll meet up with Barry again. It too is packing Brine, so stay healthy during the fight. It has Ice Fang to counter Grass-types, as well as Aqua Jet, a Water-type version of Quick Attack. Floatzel is very fast, and can hit pretty hard, but its defenses are quite low. Chesto Berries as held items can be useful in this situation. Yawn can be annoying, because a Pokémon hit by it will fall asleep on the next turn unless you switch it out.

It has Rock Tomb which can slow you down, but it doesn't know Brine. Grass-type attacks are this Pokémon's nightmare, particularly Special attacks due to its weak Special Defense. Next up is Wake's Quagsire, whose Ground type makes it immune to Electric-type moves.

However, one good Electric-type attack, such as Spark or Thunder, will take it out. Waterfall will do the most damage and may cause your Pokémon to Flinch. Brine does more damage if its target has less than half of its HP left, so be wary and keep your Pokémon healthy. Wake leads the fight with Gyarados, who has Intimidate, so lead with Special-based attackers. The rest is simple follow the path to a set of stairs, climb up, and hit the blue button. Hit it, go down the nearby stairs, and hit the yellow button. Battle him, and follow the path right to another Tuber. Follow the platform to the first yellow button and head right, past the stairs to the Tuber. Battle the Sailor there, and hit the blue button. Climb down and follow the path to another set of stairs. Climb up to the top, and hit the green button. There is another narrow passage before you reach some stairs. Turn right, down the stairs, and go through a narrow passage. To reach Crasher Wake (the Gym Leader), go down the entrance stairs, turn left and go up those stairs. In reality, there is only ever a single path that you can take at any one time without going back the way you came. The puzzle of the Pastoria Gym may appear complicated at first, having to raise and lower the water level by stepping on buttons in the correct order. The strongest Pokémon here is level 37, so make sure your team is leveled appropriately before challenging the Gym. Grass- and Electric-types will do well here, but you shouldn't use Fire-, Rock-, or Ground-types. As you will quickly figure out, this Gym specializes in Water-types.